Ran the following tests on a 32-bit Vista Home Premium [v6.0; Build:6002; SP 2] OS where:
1 = fuji_x_e1_dscf3154.raf from "queguenae";
2 = fuji_x_pro1_dscf2008.raf from DPReview tests; and
3 = canon 350d_img_0495.cr2 from "den"
left to right.
Test Run 1: Ran SNS-HDR v1.4.22.1's "dcraw.exe" (v9.16) with options: -v -w -H 2 -o 1 -6 -T as a stand alone console program with the results:
- dcraw916 results.jpg (60.31 KiB) Viewed 23928 times
Images have: camera white balance; blended highlights; sRGB colors; default 2.222-4.5 gamma; default interpolation; auto white point; auto brightness; and are 16-bit tiff.
As expected: 1 did not execute because it is un-supported; and 2 and 3 are supported.
Test Run 2: Ran "dcraw-9-17-ms-32-bit.exe" with options: -v -w -H 2 -o 1 -6 -T as a stand alone console program with the results:
- dcraw917-32 results.jpg (90.09 KiB) Viewed 23928 times
Images again have: camera white balance; blended highlights; sRGB colors; default 2.222-4.5 gamma; default interpolation; auto white point; auto brightness; and are 16-bit tiff.
As expected all executed.
Test Run 3: Ran SNS-HDR Pro v1.4.22.1 with its original dcraw.exe v9.16 with options: Default preset; no noise reduction; no size reduction; no alignment; no deghosting; sRGB colors; and saved as 16-bit tifs with the results:
- SNS-HDRdcraw916 results.jpg (56.45 KiB) Viewed 23928 times
As expected: 1 did not execute because it is un-supported; and 2 and 3 are supported.
Test Run 4: Ran SNS-HDR Pro v1.4.22.1 with "dcraw-9-17-ms-32-bit.exe" and options: Default preset; no noise reduction; no size reduction; no alignment; no deghosting; sRGB colors; and saved as 16-bit tifs with the results:
- SNS-HDRdcraw917-32 results.jpg (68.09 KiB) Viewed 23928 times
Not expected: 1 and 2 did not execute properly; and 3 did.
Conclusions may be:
(1) substitution of a Microsoft Visual Studio compiled "dcraw.exe" v9.17 for specific operating system bit depth is not compatible with SNS-HDR v1.4.22.1 possibly due to the non-traditional sensor arrays of the Fuji X-Pro1 and X-E1 cameras when compared to the Canon 350D's array; and
(2) as work around for the Fuji X-E1, use "dcraw-9-17-ms-32-bit.exe" or "dcraw-9-17-ms-64-bit.exe" with options: -v -w -H 2 -o 1 -6 -T as a stand alone console program and use its resulting 16-bit tiff as input to SNS-HDR v1.4.22.1 Lite/Home/Pro...
- WorkAround_1-fuji_x_e1_dscf3154-HDR_Default_dcraw916_600px.jpg (105.34 KiB) Viewed 23928 times
Note: conclusions based on a 32-bit Vista OS and the suggested dcraw option " -o 1" for sRGB colors could be changed to " -o 2" [Adobe] or " -o 4" [ProPhoto].
Hope this is of help... ...any differing thoughts?
...perhaps an alternate OS compatibility mode for the substitue dcraw?
...perhaps waiting for a suitable v9.17 dcraw, similar to the (c) DaveCoffin's dcraw v9.16.1.1 compilation used in SNS-HDR Lite/Home/Pro v1.4.22.1?
...Does DaveCoffin's (c) dcraw account for the X-Pro1's success in SNS-HDR v1.4.22.1 or did Sebastian do something special?