Lightroom Plugin

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Re: Lightroom Plugin SORTED

Postby russellsnr2 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:05 am

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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby capricorn » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:10 pm

I have not been here quite a while, so I didn't notice that there was a problem with the plugin. Strangely, the problem is due to an incompatibility of the original plugin code with more recent LR versions, which I didn't even notice because the installed plugin still worked for me.

Anyway, I spent some time digging into the code, and fixed the bug.

In addition, I added a small feature that in case reimporting into LR is required, not only adds the HDR image to the LR catalog but also to the current collection from which SNS-HDR was called. The lack of this always bothered me in my workflow, because I had to do it manually.

The plugin will register as version 1.3. I publish in beta status; I have tested it on my configuration but not thoroughly with whatever configuration could be possible (eg the command line version of SNS-HDR). If you're interested to use the plugin and come across any issues, please let me know.

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Last edited by capricorn on Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby russellsnr2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:51 am

capricorn wrote:I have not been here quite a while, so I didn't notice that there was a problem with the plugin. Strangely, the problem is due to an incompatibility of the original plugin code with more recent LR versions, which I didn't even notice because the installed plugin still worked for me.

Anyway, I spent some time digging into the code, and fixed the bug.

In addition, I added a small feature that in case reimporting into LR is required, not only adds the HDR image to the LR catalog but also to the current collection from which SNS-HDR was called. The lack of this always bothered me in my workflow, because I had to do it manually.

The plugin will register as version 1.3. I publish in beta status; I have tested it on my configuration but not thoroughly with whatever configuration could be possible (eg the command line version of SNS-HDR). If you're interested to use the plugin and come across any issues, please let me know.


Hi, Stupid question maybe but 'Do you just replace the script that is in the IRplugin with what is in this newer version as if you try via Lightroom plugins the folder shows up but is empty'? Thankyou, Russ.
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby capricorn » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:35 am

That's correct, Russ. Thanks for pointing out. The individual files contained the zip are meant to replace the original ones.

Probably not the best way to distribute such change.
I will look into that and make the zip file compatible with the LR Plugin installation.

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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby russellsnr2 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:32 pm

capricorn wrote:That's correct, Russ. Thanks for pointing out. The individual files contained the zip are meant to replace the original ones.

Probably not the best way to distribute such change.
I will look into that and make the zip file compatible with the LR Plugin installation.


Hi, Works fine for me, export image/s returns into L/R as HDR :D
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby capricorn » Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:54 pm

Sounds good. Thanks for trying!

I have updated the zip file in above post to include the plugin folder name. So now it's compliant with the usual conventions.
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby capricorn » Fri Nov 29, 2019 4:53 pm

Hi there,

here is another small update of the plugin which fixes the issue that GPS information is not being passed to SNS-HDR application (and hence is missing in the resulting file imported to LR).

In order to make this work you need to do the following things:
1. Install the update, (re)start LR.
2. In LR open the export settings dialog, select SNS-HDR, and in the Metadata section (which is now visible) uncheck "Remove Location Info" (which is checked by LR default).
3. Right click the SNS-HDR preset entry and "Update with current settings".

That's it.

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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby gette » Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:37 pm

I am having trouble getting the latest LR Plugin working.

I get ERROR:
Error executing SNS-HDR command!

Then in LR in the upper left it just hangs on "Waiting for HDR image".

Mac 10.13.6
LR 9.4
SNS latest Pro (in demo mode as I am trying to test)

Thank you all!
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby capricorn » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:29 am

I couldn't reproduce this with SNS-HDR Home 2.7.1 and LR Classic 10.2.

With a small and simple tweak to the plugin, you can display the failing command:
- go to the folder where the plugin resides on your harddisk
- open file SNSHDRProcess.lua in a text editor
- in line 202, remove the "--" in at the beginning of the line: "-- LrDialogs.message( "Command", cmd )"
- close Lightroom and re-open.

This will turn the line from a Lua comment in a Lua command.
On next invokation of the plugin you will see a message box LR, which should help you to figure out what's wrong.

sns-hdr command.jpg
sns-hdr command.jpg (26.7 KiB) Viewed 21385 times
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Re: Lightroom Plugin

Postby michaelasg » Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:12 pm

Is there a way to do a batch starting from LR?

I know I can export sets from Lightroom to a folder and then run batch creation from the program interface, but I was wondering if there is a way to have a more streamlined way, same as Photomatix LR Plug or the enfuse way
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