How about Chromatic Aberrations ?

Hi all ! I already ask this question in the "Discussion & Questions" forum, but there's no comment on it yet....
Hi ! One thing I like in Photomatix Pro is it's excellent Chromatic Aberration option ! Very efficient !
BTW, I downloaded the trial version of Aurora, which also gives good results, AND repair Chromatic Abberation too...
I haven't seen that in the latest version of SNS-HDR... Will it be added to an update/upgrade ?
Thanks in advance to let me know !
Best regards,
Hi ! One thing I like in Photomatix Pro is it's excellent Chromatic Aberration option ! Very efficient !
BTW, I downloaded the trial version of Aurora, which also gives good results, AND repair Chromatic Abberation too...
I haven't seen that in the latest version of SNS-HDR... Will it be added to an update/upgrade ?
Thanks in advance to let me know !
Best regards,