Aborts when loading OMDS OM-1 RAW files

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Aborts when loading OMDS OM-1 RAW files

Postby Boyce905 » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:50 pm

I have just updated from SNS_HDR Home 1.4.something as it did not support RAW files (.orf) from my relatively new OMDS OM-1. It displayed half the image as seemingly random dots, the other half black. I updated to 2.7.3 This version aborts during/just after loading these files. Both verions load RAW files from my previous Olympus E-M1 MkII fine.

I am an occasional SNS-HDR user as the vast majority of my photography doesn't need or benefit from HDR so this is not a big deal for me, but it is an issue.

I can supply example files on request.
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