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Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:58 am
by kymarto
capricorn wrote:Hi Sebastian,

I have read that V2 is going to take some more time because you are rewriting large portions of the orginal code. I am perfectly happy with the current version 1.9 from a image quality point of view, so just take your time :-)

Anyway, there is something that I would really like to see in SNS-HDR, and that is RAW (or better DNG) output. This feature has been added to the latest version of focus stacking software that I use (Helicon), and I find it extremely useful. Not that it saves a lot of disk space, you can also use any kind of post processing options (that eg. LR offers) on this type output. For my stacking applications, I have meanwhile even decided to delete the RAW input files and just keep the DNG output.

Is DNG output (instead of TIFF) something that you would also consider for SNS-HDR, or is it too difficult / time-consuming to implement?

Another improvement that I really would appreciate is even better LR integration. I am using the 3rd party plug-in which lacks the ability to insert the HDR TIFF into the collection from where SNS-HDR has been invoked. It's always tedious to search the HDR from "All images" then manually insert into the collection which holds the input file(s) to create the HDR.
But I guess you're not the right person to address this issue?

Greetings from a very happy user in Germany :-)


Karsten, I shouldn't speak for Sebastian, but your request for some sort of raw output is actually not possible per se, because there are no numerical sensor values involved in HDR. Even if you input RAW files for the combine, those are converted into image files. The intermediary file in HDR is 32 bit, but it is an image file, not a raw file. Becuase of that, there is no point in outputting a file other than an image file. 16 bit TIFF files have plenty of values for whatever processing you wish to do.

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:43 pm
by TheGururu
dobrze, że program sprawdza aktualizacje bo mym się nie dowiedział :-).

tak na szybko :

- brak panelu z wyborem języka
- przy przetwarzaniu wsadowym brakuje, moim zdaniem, trzeciej opcji miejsca zapisu w katalogu z rawami.
- nie robiłem pomiarów ale szybkość wywoływania jest chyba dużo lepsza :-)

świetny program stał się jeszcze lepszy !!

ps. i tradycyjnie co druga wersja programu zmienia nazwę plików wynikowych na taką z końcówką "*-HDR.*"

Control Point Indicators for v2.x.x.x Graphical Interfaces

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:13 pm
by den

Your work/efforts for the development and programming for SNS-HDR 2.x.x.x is much appreciated...

...I wonder if you would consider adding indicators to the Graphical Interface editing features as was the case for v1.4.22.1... ...where the mouse location on the workspace image will show in the Graphical Interfaces...

...shown is an adjusted Brightening of a narrow band of Green Hues using v1.4.22.1:
v1.4.22.1_graphic_displays.jpg (97.53 KiB) Viewed 15207 times

regards and many Thank You's for your work...

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:54 pm
by Joghi
Thanks ...den...,

good idea, i missed these indicators too. It would be great to see them coming back ...


Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:26 pm
by Sebastian Nibisz
I forgot to implement it, I'll add it.

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:29 pm
by phidias81
I guess this has been discussed already earlier, but just in case I write it again.
The filesize of the snsx file project is quite consistent, because I guess it's storing the parameters used+ the hdr image.
It would be great for my workflow to have the possibility to store only the parameters of that project, either on a sidecar file, or on a database, without the HDR image, so that it would weight very little.
I know that I could technically save a new preset, but then the list of presets would become huge and not useful anymore, so it would be nice to have a specific function.
As of today, I'm never saving the project, only the final result to save space. So in case in the future I have to do some small edit or I want the exact same image, but bigger resolution, I have to start over the editing. If I could have a catalog of all the used parameters for each photo, I could just load the corresponding set of parameters.
I'm not sure if I made myself clear.

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:38 pm
by Trystero
Hello Sebastian,
I did not find many interface items in the (very very good!) new version 2.1. Maybe in future updates?

SNS-HDR_1.4_interface.jpg (237.42 KiB) Viewed 14890 times

SNS-HDR_2.01_interface.jpg (199.48 KiB) Viewed 14890 times

Another difference: in the Default setting I see very different colors and a kind of dark halo behind the high part of the tree.

Make SNS aware of spherical panoramas.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:16 pm
by Erik Krause
Hello Sebastian,

would it be possible to make SNS aware of spherical panoramas in equirectangular format? In this format the zenith and nadir of a panorama are stretched along the top and bottom edge. If there are only slight variations of brightness or color along these edges the resulting panorama has a vortex artifact in zenith or nadir, like in below example.

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:36 pm
by Fraenzken
Hello Sebastian,
it would be great if you could add an option to deghost manually!

Re: Suggestions for new features

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:30 am
by RaduMihai
I saw that to avoid or have a minimal vortex when slide brightness on final panorama, this must be post process as .png file.
Not tif or jpg.
Or, use Affinity for post process.